


Gift Boxes for All Occasions

Send that special someone something different with Sippify's gifting range. 

No matter the gesture, whether it's a Thank you, a Congratulations or an I love you. We've got a gift box fit for the occasion

Presented with Class

All our gift boxes are presented in high quality black box.

Popular Gift Boxes

$60.00 / Single

$60.00 / Single

$60.00 / Small - Serves 6

$60.00 / Single

Unique products for one of a kind gift box

We've combined the best beverages with the best products, treats, nibbles to create gift boxes like no other. We have made our alcohol the center of attraction in all our gift boxes and this includes beer, wine, spirits and cocktails so you are bound to find something ideal for that individual. 

Cocktail Kits

Give the gift of mixology with a Sippify cocktail kit. Our cocktail kits have all the ingredients needed to create all your favourite cocktail

Personal Messages

Get gift box sent straight to the recipient with a personal message from you when you order online. We print your message on a card which the recipient gets when they receive the gift box 

Personalised Labels

It's the thought that really counts and we take thoughtfulness to another level by printing the recipients name and a personal message directly onto the bottle labels

Our Supplier Partners

Corporate Gifts

Employees love receiving Sippify gift boxes. That is why companies are choosing Sippify as their preferred corporate gift box provider.

No matter if it's a work anniversary, an accomplishment or a retirement, every gift we create will be a thoughtful and heartwarming one.

We also cater for bulk orders so if there's more than a few people deserving of our fantastic gifts, just contact one of our gifting specialists

and we'll get everything organized for you.

Call us on 08 8282 182 or fill out the enquiry form below.



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By clicking enter you are verifying that you are old enough to consume alcohol.


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